Prince of Peace
Lutheran Church
Vicar Phil Scherzer
Vicar Phil is the newly appointed Vicar for Prince of Peace Lutheran Church. Having been an active lay minister for the church since 2009, he has been praying on the discernment of his call for many years. Having been entranced into candidacy in the TEEM Program through the New Jersey Synod of the ELCA he looks forward to continuing the Seminary studies which he has begun, and which with God's gracious guidance will lead to his Ordination and acceptance of a call from Prince of Peace.
Vicar Phil looks forward to finding new ways to enrich the faith and spirit of Prince of Peace and to reach out to the community, embracing the idea that the entire Christian Church should be based on genuine fellowship, an active loving outreach that embraces and shares Christ's love with all creation and praise based worship that acknowledges the fullness of God's love, grace and mercy which is made manifest through Jesus Christ.
Vicar Phil is available for prayer, or any pastoral care you may need.
Welcome to Prince of Peace
Lutheran Church
A member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). All are welcome to our weekly Sunday worship service held at 9:30 a.m. We welcome all regardless of race, class, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other possible exclusionary distinction. Holy Communion is celebrated at every service. Our services are liturgical, following a set pattern, but vary in music and language. Special services are held Christmas Eve, mid-week in Lent and on other occasions.
Members of the congregation take leadership parts in the service by reading from the Bible, assisting with communion, and ushering.
Youth and children also participate in processionals and as acolytes.
Our worship is enhanced by the music of our pianist, our Bell Choirs, our Children’s Choir, soloists, and instrumentalists.
Children are welcome to worship with us.
Even their noise and restlessness are certainly a delight to the Lord. There is a Children’s Sermon early in the service, after which children age 3 – 6th grade depart for Sunday School, returning for communion with their families.
Children who have not yet received instruction for communion (normally in the 3rd grade) may come forward for a blessing. A “crying room” behind the sanctuary permits parents to observe and listen to the service when needed.
Our Worship and Music Committee works to plan meaningful and enriching worship.
Our Altar Guild enhances our worship space and attends to weekly worship needs.